How To Know When It’s Time To Upgrade Your Windows

If you are starting to notice that your energy bills are getting higher each month, it could be that your windows are not functioning properly. The windows in your home have many functions that go beyond acting as a visual portal to the outside world. Your windows allow sunlight into your home and help keep you protected from the elements and harsh weather but is it time to upgrade your windows?

Photo of a kitchen sink window
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

Homeowners across the country tend to put off their window replacement due to installation costs. I understand it can be intimidating. But waiting too long to put in newer windows could end up costing you in the end. Not only will you be losing money on your energy costs but if moisture is part of the problem, you could develop issues of mold and mildew.

New windows should last for many years. When researching your upgrades, it’s important to work with the best professional installers like those from Van Isle Glass. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can tell that it’s time to replace your windows.

Hard to Move

If your windows have started to warp or were not installed correctly, you may have difficulty moving them. Windows that are difficult to open and close are telling you it may be time for a replacement. If your windows are difficult to close hurts the security of your home.

Increased Noise

If you are noticing that you can hear outdoor noise more clearly, you may have a problem with your window seals. Most newer windows are constructed with two layers of glass, giving you much more protection from outdoor noise and the natural elements. Some even have three layers and could include argon gas to better insulate the window.


If you feel hot or cold air coming through your windows when closed, you definitely have a problem. This could be an installation problem or seals that have deteriorated with age. Either can allow air to flow into your home. This is a sure sign that it’s time to upgrade your windows. You can also invest in good window cleaning tools to improve and sustain the appeal of your property. Proper cleaning tools help mitigate the effects of window deterioration.

Outside air coming into your home can drastically change the efficiency of your HVAC system. Now it has to work harder to maintain a constant temperature. This means higher heating and cooling costs and a shorter lifespan of your system.

Frame Damage

Window frames that are soft to the touch or that have significant chipping are a clear sign that it’s time for a replacement. Damage from ruined seals can be caused by a buildup of moisture that can affect the structural integrity of the window. 


If you see moister between the layers of glass, this means the seal has failed. Outside air which typically has moister in it has made its way through the broken seal into this space. One out of every 10 home inspections I see shows at least one window that has a condensation problem like this.

Replacing windows can be an expensive project depending on how many need to be replaced and which models you select. However, newer window designs can help you to increase your home’s energy efficiency, reduce your heating and cooling bills, and give your home a beautiful, updated look.