Louisville Foreclosures on the Decline

Just a quick post to note what we’ve been saying around here for months has been getting some local attention.

“We’re very fortunate in that we’re kind of steady. We never saw crazy appreciation, 30-40 percent increases in value, but at the same time we’re not experiencing the flipside to that, where we see the bubble burst and the losses,” says Adam Hall, president of the Kentuckiana Chapter of the Mortgage Bankers Association.

Given all the press that the topic of foreclosures has received, how many do you think we’ll have here in Louisville this year?

A) 20,000
B) 10,000
C) 5,000
D) 2,000

According to Adam Hall, president of the Kentuckiana Chapter of the Mortgage Bankers Association, he predicts it will be even lower than 2,000.