Top 10 Wealthiest Zip Codes in Louisville – #3 Finchville, KY 40022

Each Friday we’ll be counting down the wealthiest ZIP codes in Louisville, Kentucky. Today, the 3rd wealthiest ZIP code is 40022 and is primarily made up of Finchville, KY. This area is the very definition of rural with almost no typical neighborhoods. But instead, wide-open spaces and lots of scenic nature.

Photo of a home in Finchville, KY 40022
Very large lots are the norm with plenty of privacy in 40022.

Average Household Income: $141,588
Average/Median Home Value: $405,123/$287,500
Number of Homes over $1M: 25

South of I64 in Shelby County, you’ll find lots of rolling hills, mature trees, and wildlife. What you will NOT find are many restaurants, gas stations, or drug stores. For those interested in privacy, here are some active listings located in 40022.

Next up, #2. Here’s the hint: Lots of the folks fighting the East End bridge live here.